Guvernul a stabilit ca ziua de vineri, 2 mai, să fie zi liberă pentru salariaţii din sectorul public, făcând astfel legătura între ziua liberă de joi, 1 mai, declarată sărbătoare legală, cu ocazia Zilei Muncii. Astfel, bugetarii vor avea o minivacanță de 4 zile, luând în calcul și cele 2 zile de weekend. Pe data […]
The concept is that someone, likely a user with the IP address, has sent too many requests to a service.
This has resulted in a temporary "service unavailable" message with a 429 status code, indicating a "Too Many Requests" error. The error message suggests the user try again in 10 seconds.
The provided text about "Zi liber n plus n minivacana de 1 Mai nainte de primul tur al alegerilor prezideniale din 2025" seems irrelevant to the core concept of a server overload due to excessive requests.
The concept is that someone, likely a user with the IP address, has sent too many requests to a service. This has resulted in a temporary "service unavailable" message with a 429 status code, indicating a "Too Many Requests" error. The error message suggests the user try again in 10 seconds. The provided text about "Zi liber n plus n minivacana de 1 Mai nainte de primul tur al alegerilor prezideniale din 2025" seems irrelevant to the core concept of a server overload due to excessive requests.